My Struggle for Self-Realization
One of the most remarkable books ever written on the higher aspects of spiritual life.
In his meticulous and unassuming manner of writing, Swami Satchidananda Giri reveals many of the wondrous experiences in samadhi meditation which came to him during the first 34 years of his sadhana. He candidly relates, as well as one might through the restrictions of language and intellect, some of the higher realizations that were revealed to him. As such, this treatise stands, so far as we can see, as a completely unique revelatory exposition on:
- the higher aspects of divine communion
- the absolute truth of the reality, teachings and testimony of the SRF/YSS line of gurus
- the unequivocal power of Kriya Yoga sadhana, especially in relationship to the guru-disciple relationship.
This book was lovingly created from the meticulous dairies kept by Swami Satchidananda since 1945. In the Preface we read:
“These dairies contained two types of writings — essays on a variety of themes of spiritual and social issues, incidences, and episodes with which Swamiji was directly associated. Narrations of these incidents are genuine, intense and very personal. Every episode provides glimpses of important spiritual experiences. Each episode is a milestone on the way to Swamiji’s Self-Realization; indeed, a vivid description of his ‘Struggle for Self-Realization’. Each episode is a beacon light for the meditating minds of his young disciples who have begun their inspired journey for understanding the Self.
“This book, hence, does not read like one of the many autobiographies. It is something unique, something that touches the deeper chords of our very being. We are grateful to Swamiji for sharing his wealth of spiritual experiences with us through this book.”
Included in this spiritual autobiography are accounts of his meeting with some of the great God-realized luminaries with whom he came in contact. These include Sri Anandamayi Ma, and Sri Sri Shankari Ma (Shankari Mai Jiew), the great yogini and last living disciple of Trailanga Swami, whose photo Paramahansa Yogananda included in his Autobiography of a Yogi. At the time of their meeting, when Shankari Ma first visited the Ranchi ashram, she was 115 years of age. Other sages whom Swamiji met and conversed with may be lesser known in the West, yet are of equally exalted stature. Their words of edification and inspiration are a blessing indeed for all sincere devotees on the God-ward path.
My Struggle for Self-Realization… does not read like one of the many autobiographies. It is something unique, something that touches the deeper chords of our very being. We are grateful to Swamiji for sharing His wealth of spiritual experience with us through this book.